21 Merchiston Road, Catford, SE6 1SH | 020 8697 3217

You can view Moggie Minders Cattery virtually in an interactive 360 degree panoramic image. Click one of the 3 images below to open the virtual tour in a new window and close the new tab to return to the website.



Cattery Surroundings

Cattery Surroundings


Cattery Internal

Internal view of the runs and corridor


Cattery Unit

Inside one of the units (demonstrating the setup for cats of the same household sharing units)

This cattery is a supporter of Croydon Animal Samaritans (Registration No. 1067498), if you can give a home to a rescued cat please click the banner below.


Croydon Animal Samaritans

Contact Us
©2022 Moggie Minders Cattery
21 Merchiston Road, Catford, London, SE6 1SH
020 8697 3217